While skimming through some of the social media in the classroom pages, one point that made me stop and say 'AHA!' was that of increasing school pride. Having a Facebook page, Twitter, and website are all great ways to get kids seeing what is going on in their school in a way that they interact with every single day. Instead of fighting against their use of technology, I am starting to firmly believe we will be more successful as educators if we embrace it and move with them. 
Jared's Homework Chopper was a hilarious way to get kids interested in what they needed to know. If I were a student I know I would watch those videos every time. This idea has got me excited to think about what my videos could be like. I have a job opportunity beginning in September that will likely include teaching Hockey Academy. I could see myself setting up a page the kids could view that would have videos of them on the ice doing skills. I could maybe have an open page and then each child could have an individual page where they could see videos of themselves and we could comment back and forth about what we see in the video. They could break down their skating stride and think about what they need to fix and change. I don't see any issues in this particular example, as long as I had permission to post the videos online. Instructors at the university have never used videos of me personally, they use videos from the internet and YouTube frequently though. 
Connected, but alone. As we expect more from technology, do we expect less from each other? I would agree with this wholeheartedly. Everyone is together in person and then are talking to people who aren't there. I am the first person to admit that my phone is taking over my life. Without it I feel lost. I love being in contact with my friends, as it comforts me to be in touch with everyone. It's like a bad habit that nearly everyone is developing. 
The teacher who gives her students feedback via podcast has a very interesting approach to formative assessment. 

7/15/2013 12:23:23 pm

Great insights Rochelle! I think that the personalized videos of your future hockey students is a great idea! As for expecting more from technology and less from each other, I probably support the opposite viewpoint, although both sides make very valid points. I think that we live in a society that is all about consumption. Expecting and wanting more from everything and everyone is the way we have constructed our society. In regards to social media, do you think that it stunts our communication skills or advances them? Thanks for your thoughts!
- Jen

7/15/2013 02:26:55 pm


I totally agree with your statement on how we should embrace technology in the classroom. Today’s students are much more in tune with the latest devices and how to operate them without having to read a ten-page manual. You might say, the new generation of student thinks differently than students did twenty years ago. Technology has brought a new measure to accessing information, synthesizing it and subsequently presenting it with medias that are both innovative and creative. Students tend to become better motivated in an environment that is both interesting and inviting. There is a sense of belonging and understanding when technology is used in the classroom. If today’s teachers want to reach the new age of digital students they will have to change the way they conduct business. I believe that technology has become a positive influence in the educational system; it has made learning more interesting to classroom instruction.


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    July 2013

